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    Scott Farrington qualifies for Supervisor of Elections and shows he has momentum

    Farrington campaign submitted 120 percent of the required signatures to qualifyfor the race and raised over $45,0000 in 2 months

    June 14, 2024

    BRADENTON, FLA. (June 14, 2024) – The campaign to elect Scott Farrington as Manatee County’s next Supervisor of Elections announces that he is officially qualified for the August 20th Primary Election.

    Scott qualified by submitting the signed petitions of 3,675 registered Manatee County voters,869 more than the required 2,806 petitions for a countywide race. Qualifying by signaturepetition is rare for countywide candidates, and Scott is the only countywide candidate inManatee to avoid the filing fee for this fall’s races, demonstrating local voters’ preference for thecandidate who is most qualified to oversee local elections. Constitutional office candidates whodid not qualify by petition were subject to a $10,113 qualifying fee. Write-in candidates are notsubject to the qualifying fee.
    “The majority of the petitions were gathered in just three weeks,” Scott says. “With the help ofdozens of volunteers we collected these petitions by going door to door, at markets, musicevents, a parade and any place people were gathered.”Scott says the appointment of the current Supervisor of Elections struck a nerve with ManateeCounty voters, many of whom actively helped gather signatures. Farrington’s campaign notesthat while many of the signatures were gathered at public events, a remarkable 700 peoplemade the effort to mail in their petitions. Dozens of campaign volunteers helped collect between50 and 100 petitions apiece.
    This community support was also shown in the fundraising that Scott was able to accomplishduring April and May. He raised more than $45,000 with a broad coalition of support from pastand present elected officials, local leaders and business owners.
    “This kind of enthusiasm is really unusual and happened because Manatee County voters wantto trust their elections,” Scott said. “I am truly humbled and inspired by the hard work of so manypeople that made this possible. I would never have come this far by myself.”The end of qualifying also included a write-in candidate in the Supervisor of Elections race. Thisnew write-in closes the Primary election to all but Republican voters.
    “We were expecting a write-in to close the primary, it has become a common tactic taken bythose candidates who don’t believe they can win the support of ALL the voters,” Scott said. “Ifyou wish to vote in this primary race or other Manatee County Primary races, make sure you areregistered to vote as a Republican by going to RegisterToVoteFlorida.gov.”The deadline to register or change parties is July 22nd.
    Scott Farrington is a Certified Elections Administrator and Master Florida Certified ElectionProfessional. During 20-plus years working in the elections offices of both Sarasota andManatee counties, Scott has overseen 75-plus elections, including Presidential andGubernatorial cycles, special, and municipal elections using professional standards in electionsadministration.
    He is dedicated to running elections in a secure, accurate, and transparent manner. Voters canlearn more about Scott or contribute to his campaign by visiting www.votescottfarrington.com
    Vote for Scott FarringtonExperience Matters!